Adobe Illustrator & Acrylic Paint
The goal of this project was to combine irregular hand-painted textures and colors with the “perfection” of vector elements, with an emphasis on focal point. I chose to create 3 pieces that each followed a different dimension from Instagram: A square post (1080x1080px), a landscape post (1080x566px) and a profile picture (100x100px).
This is my favorite personal piece. I first began by painting in my sketchbook, taking inspiration from sun beams. After combining the pink abstract shape and the greenish-blue shape on top of each other in illustrator, I decided to play off of the coral reef undertones I saw. This is when the human-like character was born. Their head first began as a hand held palette, but I decided to combine a shell vector to tie into the underwater themes.
Ultimately, I decided to name these pieces "Apoptosis". Scientifically, this is a type of cell death . I imagine the pink abstract shape is the heart of my human-like character, experiencing an explosive death. He grasps on in hopes of keeping it.